Euro Trash!

December 31, 2015

When it comes to this recycling business, Estonians are the best performers in the EU with regards to their efforts. Each year they generate around 279kg of waste per person and recycle 40% of this, leaving just 167kg to be disposed of. If we compare this to the UK stats, each year we generate 472kg of waste and recycle 46%, which means 255kg per person is likely left to go to landfill.


The Swedes recycle 99% of all household waste. Most people here separate their recyclable waste at home and in most cases live no more than 300 metres away from a recycling station. In fact, over a quarter of a million homes in Sweden are now powered by waste energy.

Swedish style recycling:

  • Newspapers are recycled into paper mass
  • Plastic bottles are reused or melted down
  • Plastic containers become raw material
  • Food waste is composted
  • Trash collecting trucks are usually powered on recycled electricity or biogas
  • Used water is purified
  • Waste collecting truckers pick up electronics and hazardous waste Pharmacists accept leftover medicine
  • Larger waste items, such as furniture, are taken to recycling centres